The Time Has Come

April 13, 2015

Well family! The time has come! I hope you all are ready to have me back haha I sure have missed you all.

What great experiences I have had in this last 18 months. What amazing people I have met and what miracles I have seen.

Yesterday I had my real last interview with the President. It was quick and to the point. President Valadez doesn’t like to dilly dally haha. Tomorrow they will be having all the  missionaries who are heading home over at the mission home for a dinner and then off the bed to wake up bright and early Wednesday morning to be in the airport. It will be an adventure =)

I am grateful that Heavenly Father sent me to Del Valle even though I didn’t want to be here at the beginning. I have learned a lot and grown so much. Sister Chavez and I learned a lot about communication. That will be useful for the rest of my life.

We found quite a few people here in this are who are ready to accept the gospel.

I know that Sister Chavez and her new companion will be able to continue helping these people enter into the waters of baptism and make this great promise with the Lord.

I sure love you all so much!

From Mexico City all the way to Nampa!  See you soon!

Hermana Davies

General Conference is Always the Greatest

April 6, 2015

Mexico City South Mission

What a great weekend we had to hear the words of our Heavenly Father through the leaders of the church. Presidente Monson didn’t say much but what he did say were the essencials of life. Go to the temple and “follow carefully the steps of our Savior” The important things. That was the flee of the Prophet of God to us.

We have also been reminded of the importance of the family and the great plan that God has for us. That it only works IN FAMILIES!

We have been advised to not worry when we don’t understand everything, but to hold on to what we do know. To have FAITH!

I absolutely loved this conference! It was so special =) Now we just have to apply these inspired words to our lives.

Carlos went to the 2nd session of conference on Saturday! It was so great that he was there. He told us that he would be there on Sunday too, but never showed up ha. So we gotta find out why. We haven’t been able to get in touch with Cecilia and her husband. I am pretty sure they went out of town for spring vacations. We are hoping to be able to find them this week. They are such great people!

OH GOOD NEWS! Sister Guerrero told me that Elsa, Manuel and Elena back in Hidalgo are progressing so much! They all went to General Conference and loved it! That makes me so happy to know that! She said that Manuel is going to be baptized this Saturday!! YAY!!! My heart is so full of love and happiness to know that the Gospel is blessing their lives too and that they are making these great changes in their lives to know the Savior and our Heavenly Father more.

I love you all so so much! I am pretty sure that next week I will be able to write! So we will talk for the last time by internet next week! see ya soon!

Hermana Davies

holy moly!!! i cant believe it. i have loved being here in the mission, but i feel it is time now to see my favorite people again.


Because The Family is of God

First of all- I loved the women’s conference! What great messages the Lord gave us! The family is the most important! I feel honored to be a daughter of God and to have this divine nature. I look forward to the day when I can have my own family and help build the kingdom of God in my own home. But as for now, I will continue helping others come to the knowledge that they can have a Family FOREVER! =)

This week I learned that the only way to endure is by having the Holy Ghost. This spirit of God helps us in every single day! This week we had planned 32 lessons, but ended up only teaching 19. So many of the appointments fell. But we tried finding the good in each day! The best part though was that we were able to teach the 19 lessons that we did. And that Heavenly Father guided us to each of these people! I know that He knows us all and loves us so much!

Tomorrow is my last interview with the President! My companion and I will be staying after to eat with them as well. They have a tradition to make food for the missionaries who are going home. It will be fun to be able to go to there house and spend a little time with them. The Valadezs are great people! I sure was blessed to be able to serve with them!

Sorry that I haven’t sent pictures. My card has a virus. But the guy here is trying to help me with this little problem. haha

I love you all so much!

Hermana Davies

Hey! There is a sister missionary here that i told you guys about. Her name is sister Koyle from Kuna Idaho. She just told me that her parents are moving to the 17th ward this week or the next! You guys gotta look out for them! =) Brenda and Neil Koyle are their names! =)


March 23, 2015

Another week full of miracles! Yesterday Carlos was at church again! Things are going good with him. He had a baptismal date for the 25 of April! =) WE found 7 new people this week to teach!!! It was amazing. I know that the Lord has prepared some of these people to accept the gospel.

Last week we met up with a sister from the ward to visit one of her friends, but her friend wasn’t there so we sat in the park and taught her again. It was a good lesson, and as we left to go to our next appointment, Sister Angeles saw a lady sitting on another park bench and she turned to us and told us that we should talk to her. So we started talking to her and she was so nice! Her name is Cecilia Valencia. She wanted to hear more and invited us to her house to talk more. We went and met her husband too. They are such great people! The spirit was so strong in the lesson! I know that they will accept the gospel! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY! There is no other time like this to share this great news with EVERYONE!

I hope that you guys have a super great week!! Remember that the Gospel is a way of life! Thanks for your prayers and support!

Love you to the moon and back!

Hermana Davies

(No Pictures from Stef, so I will post one from the past.)



March 16,2015

This week I have once again learned that He is there. God knows us and is very aware of what goes on in our lives. These last 2 weeks in my new area have been tough ones. It was really hard for me to adjust, but I know that everything happens for a reason. Like I commented, there aren’t many people here to teach so that is what we have been trying to do in these days.. FIND PEOPLE! We found 2 new people this week, but these people are wonderful! Carlos Garcia is one and the other is Omar Torres. They have so much desires to learn more about the gospel and come closer to Christ. Carlos went to sacrament meeting yesterday! It was an answer to prayers! Heavenly Father knows! The Lord is showing us he is here. After a test of my faith in these last 2 weeks, the miracles are coming…and they always do!

I just know with all my heart that God loves us and so does our Savior Jesus Christ. This time in the mission has been the best! Its been a real neat experience to be able to serve Him and do so with my family. I feel it a privilege to have cousins in the mission with me, and also my grandparents, Grandma and Grandpa Davies serving Gods children on the other side of the veil. What a special opportunity that I have had!


Hermana Davies

Del Valle

March 9, 2015

Well. I am in an area called Del Valle in the stake Ermita. It is pure city. Big buildings and lots of cars and people. I miss the mountains of Hidalgo. But I am trying to find the good in each day. My companions name is Sister Chavez. She is from Chilpancingo Guerrero Mexico. She is really nice and happy all the time. Thats a good way to be.

In the week that I have here I found out that the sisters didnt really have any investigators. So thats the adventure we are on right now. To FIND people. There is lots to do and no time to waste!

This week my eyes were open to the wonderful creations of the Lord. We have a park real close to where we live and so one evening we taught a sister of the ward in the park. It was dark out and the light we had was from the light post and the buildings near by. As we were sitting on the bench we just took a moment to see all the beauties of the world. Airplanes were flying overhead, people playing basketball, walking with their families or pets. It was just really cool! The Lord loves us! What a wonderful world!

Sister Guerrero told me that Manuel will probably be getting baptized this saturday! I sure hope so! And that ELsa is very excited for her baptism and is preparing herself very well for it! She just cant stop smoking all the sudden because it had been a really strong addiction, her doctor wont let her. I am so glad that I could find her again after when I left Tlalpan!

It was a longer week for me too! It was real tough to leave Hidalgo. I miss it there so much. I think it was probably my best area. But I am going to make Del Valle my best one now.

I love you guys so much! Thanks for always writing me and making me so happy!

Have the best week ever!!

Hermana Davies

My Last Transfer

March 2, 2015

I cant believe it is my last transfer in the mission. Like I suspected, they called us last night and I have to go. Hermana Guerrero and I are pretty sad, but we have learned that transfers are inspired. Next monday I will be able to tell you guys where I am at and with who. I will miss Hermana Guerrero so much. She has become such a great friend!

This last week was a great one! We visited Manuel and he is progressing and gaining a testimony. I hope that Hna Guerrero will be able to get him baptized this Saturday. Elsa is doing so well! I am so sad that I wont be able to say goodbye to her. She smokes and has been trying to stop. That is her biggest challenge because she has a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. I have grown to love these people so much. It´ll be hard to leave them here as I go to a new area. I know that they will be fine though. There are lots of good members who will take care of them and help them all along the way.

What great experiences I have had here on the mission. I am so grateful for each and everyone of them. I am happy to see the changes I have made in my life. I have become a better person. I liked what you told me mom about the talk the Elder of the 70 gave. We need to become better. We need to allow the Lord to mold us and help us the BECOME our full potential.

I love you all so much! To the moon and Back!

Have the best week ever!

Hermana Davies


Last Transfer

February 23, 2015

It was another great week! =) I hope that it was for you guys as well.

Manuel and Elsa both were at church on Sunday! WOO HOO! Elsa accepted a baptismal date for March 14th! I hope that I will still be here for it! Manuel will hopefully be able to be baptized this Saturday! His interview will be on Thursday! We will see how it goes! This past week we started teaching a little old 90 year old lady named Graciela Rios! She is so cute and has so much energy. She has traveled all around the world. In the lesson we had with her she would all the sudden start talking English with me haha 3 years ago she went to Egypt! I want to go to Egypt now! =)

Anywho! Graciela has such great faith in the Lord. So many sad and hard things have happened in her life but she trust in God. What a great example she is to me. She told us that if she is able to convince herself that the Church is true, she will get baptized haha I trust in the Holy Ghost and I know that the Spirit will testify to her the truthfulness of this great message.

Things are real great here in Hidalgo. I cant believe how fast this transfer went. On sunday night they will be calling us yet again to tell us if we have transfers or not. Its the last time for me. =( I cant believe it.

I love you all so so much and hope that this week is the best one!

Hermana Davies


Finding Miracles

February 16, 2015

A lot of people would say that the week we had was a crumby one but I just can’t bring myself to saying it. There are just too many miracles to be a crumby week!! We have been trying to find miracles in each and everyday and what we have come to find is that usually by the night time when we are talking about it, there are just too many to even remember! The Lord sure loves his children.

This week we worked a lot with Manuel to get him excited and feeling good about accepting another baptismal date. We started asking him about all the things we have taught him and if he knows that they are true and he told us yes. So them we asked him what was keeping him from being baptized and he sat there thinking for a bit and then said that nothing was. We planned his interview for Thursday and he showed up! He had his interview and… he needs more time. We will see if in this week or the next he can be baptized.

Its been such a great experience to be able to work with so many different people and adapt to their needs. I know that the timing of the Lord 99.9% of the time is NOT our timing. But I also know that the Lords ways are higher than ours and he knows 100% what he is doing. I feel like I am a knight for the King in the game of chess and it really has been the greatest game I have ever played (i guess this analogy doesn’t work very well because i never liked chess…but lets just pretend i loved it and was really good) But really we just have to do everything that we can to keep the King alive…or in this case, to share the message of the Kings =) I LOVE IT! I love sharing the gospel and talking to strange people in the street, inviting everyone to hear! There is absolutely no way you can go wrong by accepting the gospel. It only improves things. Living the gospel won’t take away the problems of live, but it makes it more enjoyable. It helps us to live more happy!

I love you guys so much! Thanks for being mine!

Have the best week ever.

Its been16 months away from each other!

Hermana Davies

oh yeah! I forgot to tell you guys really good news! I don’t know if you remember but when I was in Tlalpan we were teaching a lady named Elsa. Well it turns out that she actually lives in the area of Hidalgo. We started teaching her again about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Else Aguirre is her name. She has been progressing so much!!!! these last 2 Sundays she has gone to church with us! WOO HOO =) She has a testimony of the importance of baptism and everything but i think she is scared to accept a baptism date. we gotta pray hard for her! =)


God Is Wise

February 9, 2015

So this week I finished reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish for the first time! It is amazing that I understand it better in Spanish than in English. I love that book!

In these last few days I started to read the Bible, starting in Genesis. Today I read the story of Jospeh in Egypt. Joseph was such a great person. I love the part when Joseph finally tells his brothers that he is their brother. He was so humble and didnt even get mad at them for selling him. He said it was part of the Lords plan! God is so wise. 

It gives me comfort to know that he has his plan and that no one can change it. Everything happens because it is supposed to!

This week we have been keeping up with Manuel. We keep praying hard that he will be able to make this promise so special with the Lord. 

You asked about my companion. Hermana Guerrero. She is awesome! We are having so much fun! She is from San Luis Potosí, here in Mexico. She has 3 younger brothers. One of them is in the mission in Brazil. She is 21 years old and worked as a preschool teacher. 

We get along really well. I hope they keep us together until the end of my mission. She is so funny. Everyday we laugh so much. Its an adventure here! =)

Today she shared a secret family recipe of hers. Eggs with banana! It is so good. I will make learn more recipes to share with you all when I get back 

Hope you all have a great week! I love you all so much!

Hermana Davies


Banana’s and eggs. MMMMMMMM